International Shipments:
A software setup mistake with our international shipping vendor caused the first batch of shipments we sent out to not register in their tracking portal so customers can't see status updates on their order. They've corrected that going forward but unfortunately the first batch will not have live updated tracking. Sorry about that!
- "We ship in batches based on what is in the package meaning we will not be shipping by order number.
- Note: This greatly speeds up the process since it's much faster to do "100 orders with one bag and one mug" for example as a batch than it is to do orders one at a time.
- Batches that contain orders from the first 72 hours of preorder will be prioritized over batches containing only orders after that period.
- A batch of orders does not necessarily contain all the orders of that combination of items."
It may be worth adding that there were 15,000 orders placed in the first 72 hours, most of which were on the first day so all these orders we're working through are still day 1-3 orders which is what we're prioritizing when making batches to ship.
Small Daily Inventory:
Some of you cool cats and kittens have realized that a few items come available on the site each day. This is because some people who no longer wish to wait for their order request a refund and that makes the item available on the site again. We tend to get through our support emails each morning (US timezone) so any inventory showing up will be happening during that time.