Long Island Strawberry Green Tea
228 Reviews
Tasting notes
Green Tea
So summery we’ll see you poolside.
Strawberries in New York? Hell yeah! We picked a bunch, mixed them with papaya and made a green tea that’s sweeter than a photo dump of puppies. Have it hot or iced.
22 plant-based biodegradable bags. Ethically sourced. USDA Organic. Go Tea-m!
*Mug featured in photos is included as a freebie ($24 value) for first subscription orders only.
Green tea*, Papaya* + Strawberry pieces*, Natural flavors. *Certified Organic By Pro-Cert Organic Systems.
Blended and packed in Canada. Tea from: China and Thailand
Add hot water (185° F / 85° C) and steep the bag for 3-5 minutes, then remove.
Low caffeine content
Tea Origin
China and Thailand
Taste this
Strawberry and Papaya Green Tea
22 Pyramid Tea bags
Steep Time
3-5 minutes
Top of the Mornin'a Teas were sourced looking for quality, ethical farm conditions, and environmental consciousness while ensuring a fair price. Here’s some info about our tea production and partners:
1. Our teas are handpicked from continuous crops meaning no heavy equipment and decades old plants are producing our tea. This ensures CO2 isn’t being spent harvesting or constantly replanting crops.
2. Our tea is processed in a solar powered facility that produces more power than it consumes.
3.Our tea supports an environment action plan that preserves and grows several natural habitats and makes it completely carbon neutral. (And carbon negative when accounting for the solar above)
4. Ethical Tea Partnership is an independently audited group that ensures social and environmental standards are met and maintained on Tea farms. Everything from fair compensation to health coverage, housing and childcare is closely scrutinized. Our tea partner is an ETP member. -
Long Island Strawberry is certified Organic, Kosher, and Vegan. This tea passes a number of industry quality tests including quality testing, food safety testing, anti-terrorism certifications.
We sell our Teas individually packed into pyramids that are ready to brew. Pyramids allow the tea to fully expand as it absorbs water which allows it to release its amazing flavors the same way brewing completely loose leaf tea in a diffuser would without the extra mess. Our tea pyramids are plant based, not paper based, meaning there is no nasty paper dust mixing into the tea. Also, the pyramid, string, and tag are plant based and break down naturally in normal conditions so after brewing they can be composted at home if desired.
Our plant-based compostable pyramid tea bags are not made with any plastic. They are made of a material called PLA, which stands for Polylactic Acid and is produced from the starches of corn, sugar cane, and cassava. They are are both commercially compostable and biodegradable. The tea bags by weight are 90% home compostable. This also includes the string and the tag. The outer silver pouch that contains the tea is also made from natural plant starch. They break down readily in a composting system.


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