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June 17th 2020 Update

Welcome to the sunniest corner of the internet!

Our mission at Top Of The Mornin' Coffee is to sprinkle a little extra sunshine into your daily cup.

Fanart by @septicboyjackie


Order Shipping:

  • Preorder shipping will begin as soon as our customer support back-log is caught up and will take 4 or more weeks depending on a couple of supply chain variables. We will prioritize orders placed in the first 72 hours of the preorder based on product availability.
  • The site will remain in preorder, which means orders will not ship right away, until we are caught up and stocked up on product. We will announce an official "Launch" date in the future but not until we're confident that we've taken care of everything in the preorder.
  • We ship in batches based on what is in the package meaning we will not be shipping by order number.
    • Note: This greatly speeds up the process since it's much faster to do "100 orders with one bag and one mug" for example as a batch than it is to do orders one at a time.
    • Batches that contain orders from the first 72 hours of preorder will be prioritized over batches containing only orders after that period.
    • A batch of orders does not necessarily contain all the orders of that combination of items.
  • When your order ships, you will receive an automatic email with tracking information.


Customer Service:

  • We are working through a backlog of customer service emails ahead of shipping orders to make sure we get all the corrections and changes entered before processing any batches. We expect to be caught up in 24 hours. Our official method for customer service is email at
  • Please do not email multiple times for the same request. <3
  • We are prioritizing emails requesting changes to orders over all other requests and inquiries in order to expedite getting orders shipped.


Supply Chain:

This is the current status of our items:

  • Coffee Beans - No shortage.
  • Coffee Bags - 5,000 bags being printed now. 10,000 bags being printed June 24th. Will keep pace with our ability to ship. No shortage expected.
  • Cold Brew Bottles - Extreme North American shortage of containers due to COVID-19. Alternatives being evaluated. Delay in restocking expected.
  • Mugs - Additional Charcoal ordered from original vendor. Vendor is now out of Olive and Charcoal. Sourcing alternative vendors with stock.
  • Shirts - 1,900 additional shirts ordered, 2-3 week lead time. 2 vendors out of stock. We expect to be able to keep these stocked.

As you can see, we have some work to do here. We will keep updating as we have updates.


International Shipping:

We know International Shipping is rough. It's our costs showing up on the site but with how much support (and super-justified frustration!) you've shown, we are doubling down on trying to find more solutions.

  • Currently a larger scale vendor is evaluating our orders and abandoned orders (personal data not shared, only generic information) to see if they can bulk airlift our orders to EU cheaper. COVID-19 airline shutdowns have greatly increased the cost of transportation from the US to Europe. We're not certain if this will work or not.
  • Boats are not an option for our finished products.



  • Once it is safe to travel again, we will look for a Europe based coffee roaster and cold brew bottler to partner with so that we can originate shipments from Europe.
  • This will also allow us to add more currency options to the site.
  • This will take many months before it's ready but we want to share our intention on making this level of progress.



  • PayPal issues resolved. PayPal restored as payment option on site.
  • Minor typos and grammar issues on the site fixed.
  • FAQ about subscription updated to clarify that subscription is not currently available. 


On hold:

  • Official Launch Date
  • Subscription setup, discounts.
  • Additional products